MEET OUR tastemaker: SALLY HA
"Tea Seed Oil makes my Vietnamese pancakes sooooo crispy without burning or jeopardizing the taste."
Sally’s sense of taste originates in Vietnam, sitting on small stools with bustling scooters zipping past while she eats street food - the most “life-changing” cuisine she’s ever had. Growing up her mother cooked many of the traditional Vietnamese dishes for Sally. When she moved away from her family in Hawaii, she says she learned to cook in order to "survive."
Cook Sally's recipesThe night before her wedding in Istanbul, Sally’s family on both sides sailed the Bosporous on a boat, eating a traditional Turkish meal. It’s her favorite food memory. Her side of the family got to see who she was marrying and where he came from. Turkish and American hits played in the background as the smell of kabobs filled the air. Everyone sipped Raki and smiled into the sunset.
Sally's favorite recipe made with tea seed oil
Dissimilar to some other foodies, Sally sees the potential for gathered meals to spark the harder conversations we all need to have. “In my multicultural family, I've noticed that over the dinner table and the meals that we cook is where we start to educate each other about our cultures,” she says. Instead of dining being a place of pure relaxation, it’s a place where people can enjoy their differences and learn from one another.
Sally's vietnamese specialities
Caramalized Pork belly /braised ginger chicken /gyoza fried riceLearn more about Sally's lifestyle and cooking on her YouTube channel.